Culturing and Fermentation
By creating environmental conditions conducive to the development of microorganisms, culturing can create an atmosphere that is aerobic, anaerobic, or microaerophilic.
Fermentation, on the other hand, is a natural metabolic process that generally involves the conversion of carbohydrates into acids, gases, or alcohols. This type of process enables the re-oxidation of coenzymes reduced by these reactions.
Preferred components for this type of process:
Live and non-living bacterial microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, etc.); live and non-living fungal microorganisms (yeasts, fungi, and related types); plants and plant extracts.
Freeze-drying allows for the removal of water from a material or substance without losing its properties. Thanks to a freezing process followed by vacuum evaporation, the components of the biostimulant are preserved.
Preferred components for this type of process:
Non-living fungal microorganisms.
Cold extraction
The extraction of active ingredients using cold, high-pressure water avoids certain chemical reactions. Thus, the properties and benefits of the products are preserved through low temperatures and non-destructive evaporation, resulting in superior quality.
Preferred components for this type of process:
Algae; plants and plant extracts; raw materials containing humic and fulvic acids.